Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day of School Finally Arrived

Tickled Pink to be at MC

This shirt and tie were purchased four years ago (at a Magnet School Conference in Chattanooga at a very swanky Men's Shop) in anticipation of wearing on my first day of being a principal. I did not even take them out of the box until I finished my degree and passed my licensure exam. I never found the right calling to be a principal.

When I thought I had a physics job at Clinton, I decided to wear them to the interview. When I did not get that job, I thought I would never wear them again. I decided to break them in right at the Jungle. As is the tie, I am tickled pink to be here. Instead of a principal, I am a principle teacher maintaining the standard of excellence at The Madison Central.

This is my famous lab coat and my introduction. There is a longer version later.

There were two affirmations that I am in the right place at the right time. One came from one of my best ever students at Velma - when I told her the news about teaching at MC, she very perceptively said I am so glad you are in a place where you will be happy.
The other came in those anxious few moments before the students actually came to class for the first time. I was walking down the hall yesterday and saw a former student from Velma walking down the hall. This guy struggled in one of my classes my first year at Velma and he and his mother and I had many conferences. Eventually he hit his stride and passed the class with flying colors. He left Velma for better opportunities at MC (kind of like his teacher). When I asked how he was doing he said he was in one of my classes. How cool is that?

Finally I was able to get fresh cut roses from my garden to the two front office angels, the attendance gems, the tough love lieutenant general of the school and to her excellency (the paragon of principalship - I should know I have worked for eleven).

Stay tuned for great things to come, I am in my element.

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