First, let me say, nothing is done small or halfway at the flagship school in the state.
My first annual frog race in my two physics classes was no exception. Students were to fold a card out of an index card with the handout provided (borrowed from Then each team was to measure the race track (I had put a piece of masking tape with s for start and another with f for finish) on each of seven lab tables. One class had 27 students! I published the actual measurements with significant figures on the web site (they used these numbers in their lab report to calculate per cent error). They were to measure and record the length of the track, the times for two time trials of each of the group member's frogs, and then to calculate the speed using the measured distance divided by the average of the two times.
I will let the videos speak for themselves. First, two that show the students working out their calculations.
First and Second Place winners in Third Block
First Place
Second Place
First, Second and Third Place Winners in Fourth Block
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